I'm having what seems like an odd problem. I have a domain hackmgm.org (aka Hack Montgomery) in Virtualmin. hackMGM is a community tech group that helps the local city and its constituents get more use out of city services through innovative use of tech. I've created a sub-domain lists.hackmgm.org. When I enable the feature "Mailman mailing lists" for my subdomain lists.hackmgm.org, it creates a mailing list, but for the wrong name. The mailing list created is lists.lists.hackmgm.org. What in the world is going on there? Why the double "lists" name?
In the Webmin module "Virtualmin Mailman Mailing Lists" there is a "Module Config." There are several options, but none of them have popup tips to educate what effects each option has. Does anyone know if there is additional documentation for this module's config?
I fear I'll have to delve into the source files for webmin/virtulamin to figure this problem out.
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 07/22/2016 - 23:26 Comment #1
Howdy -- hmm, what is the list name if you enable Mailman for the hackmgm.org domain? I'm wondering if it's making the list names by prepending "list" on each one. So in that case I'm wondering if you'll end up with lists.hackmgm.org by enabling Mailman in hackmgm.org.
If that is indeed the case, do you need the Sub-Server that you've created?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 07/23/2016 - 14:46 Comment #2
Can you post a screenshot of where you're seeing the double
name? Mailing list names shouldn't have the domain name appended at all ..andreychek:
Yes, andreychek. I need the sub-server to show the mailing list mailman interface, so that members can subscribe, unsubscribe, and change their mailing list preferences. I've created mailing lists before using Virtualmin and this problem didn't occur. That mailing list is still working quite happily and all without the double lists.lists problem. And even if enabled it only on the root domain, that creates other complexities with it.
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 07/28/2016 - 20:57 Comment #4
Thanks for the additional info! Could you by chance post a screenshot for Jamie's comment #2 above? Seeing that issue should really help identify what's going on... thanks!
Yes, I can post a screenshot.
After the newly created list is made:
No lists present on lists.hackmgm.org:
New list visible on lists.lists.hackmgm.org:
And my /etc/postfix/maillists file shows lists.lists.hackmgm.org instead of the correct version.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 07/29/2016 - 00:19 Comment #6
It looks like you have the Postfix mailman alias mode enabled. Try going to System Settings -> Features and Plugins, clicking on Config next to Mailman and changing "List alias creation mode" to "Normal"
Perfect! Thank you! That did the trick. :-)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 16:56 Comment #8