Disk quota notification sending to "user@domain"@domain

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#1 Sun, 06/26/2016 - 22:01

Disk quota notification sending to "user@domain"@domain


I'm new with virtualmin. Have VPS running using it. All working fine except for internal email.

When the disk quota notification sending email to user, it send to "user@domain"@domain

This is error message that I receive to admin

Reporting-MTA: dns; host.domain.com X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 8C4B22A0198 X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; admin@domain.com Arrival-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2016 10:20:02 +0700 (WIB)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; "user@domain.com"@domain.com Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; User unknown in virtual alias table

For email login I'm using this template user@domain

But, don't know why in quota notification can't working.

Thank you

Mon, 06/27/2016 - 09:12


Hmm, is that a problem for just one domain? Or does that issue occur for all of your domains?

Also, is it trying to email the Virtual Server owner in that case? Or is that an email user that it's trying to email?


Tue, 06/28/2016 - 20:44


The VPS only dedicated for one domain.
The email is bounce email that send to admin email when something wrong with sending email.
This is the from email address : "Mail Delivery System" <MAILER-DAEMON@host.domain.com>

Thank you

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