Let's Encrypt cannot validate certificate with domain name that has number

I've tried with my sub-domain do1.hlvtrinh.com then got the error: ValueError: Wrote file to /home/hlv_trinh/domains/do1.hlvtrinh.com/public_html/.well-known/acme-challenge/Jyrdj-pcLV42jSOA5q-_TCRCAl_SX-9Z6YjI_Q6_LcM, but couldn't download http://do1.hlvtrinh.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Jyrdj-pcLV42jSOA5q-_T...

I tried comment out line "os.remove(wellknown_path)" in acme_tiny.py and observed that the file was written successfully. Trying to create new sub-domain, the error came with subdomains that has number in it. Please help check on your side.



The most common cause of this error is a proxy or NAT gateway between your Virtualmin system and the internet. Check that you can download that file from your Virtualmin machine, rather than from another PC.

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for your comment. I've double check, the subdomain do1.hlvtrinh.com is the same to server hostname, so, on server side, the domain was solved to which apache server didn't listen to. That's why the request returned 404 error.

Solved it myself by changing httpd.conf to let virtualhost of this domain listen to any IP (*:80). Thanks

You need to try accessing it from your server though, with a command like :

wget http://do1.hlvtrinh.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Jyrdj-pcLV42jSOA5q-_TCRCAl_SX-9Z6YjI_Q6_LcM