How to create An FTP Account in Virtualmin->Proftpd Server to access a USB Disk Through FTP?

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#1 Sat, 06/11/2016 - 15:30

How to create An FTP Account in Virtualmin->Proftpd Server to access a USB Disk Through FTP?

Hello Guys, Title is very much self explanatory but still I will try to explain in more detail.

I am a Pro with Computers, but newbie with Linux

I have (just today) installed Xubuntu 16.04 on an old PC and then installed Virtualmin on it. Almost (excpt ftp server) everything is working as it should be, but there is something I want to achieve. I want to connect a USB Harddisk to my Xubuntu/Virtualmin PC and be able to access it remotely through FTP, it should be accessible witin the LAN only, but I don't if it is World accessible.

How can I create an FTP Account in Proftpd (installed with Virtualmin), who's Home directory is a USB Disk?

Fri, 06/17/2016 - 05:37
unborn's picture

Hi, you will need to create user in domain and then mount usb as an external disk to your server somewhere like /mnt/usb or something like that.. then you will need to change owner of that /mnt/usb folder to the domain user and then that ftp user.. easy way to access would be if you create symlink somewhere where ftp user have access (typically in public_html) or setup his home for ftp in proftpd directly into that usb mounted folder.

I hope so this helps.

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