Automatically Empty Trash Folders per server

Is there a way to automatically empty the trash folders per server or per domain? We badger users but they still leave the trash in there and with over 1000 boxes, it adds up to a fair amount of space.



Howdy -- there is an option to automatically clear spam every N days, but there currently isn't a global option for doing that with with other folders, such as Trash.

However, if there's a handful of users who have a particularly large amount of email in their Trash folder, you could use Usermin to handle that for you.

To do that, log into Usermin as an email user, click "Manage Folders" on the left, look for the Trash folder in the folder that that shows up -- and then click "Auto-Clearing" on the right.

In the Auto-Clearing screen, you could set it up to automatically delete email every N days.

there is in virtualmin 4.0.3pro - for the virtual server in Server Configuration -> Spam and Virus Delivery has options for auto deletion.

Is there a way to globally manage all user trash folders rather than logging into each user's mailbox?

Right now this can only be configured on a per-domain basis, at Server Configuration -> Spam and Virus Delivery. It doesn't have to be setup per-mailbox though.