I transfer for one domain the emails from the virtualmin server to plesk server manually. So, I copy the files manually from /home/{dom}/homes to /var/qmail/mailnames/{dom}/ The problem is that in the thunderbird the emails which has in the filename the old hostname "server.mywebfiles.gr" cannot be opened (error message service unavailable).
Is there any way to change the hostname in filename?
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 37530 May 4 18:48 1461679115.M542616P13519V00000000DAE0B661I000000000010126A.mail.cmnet.gr,S=37530:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 1163703 May 4 18:48 1461747858.M212857P31812V00000000DAE0B661I0000000000101240.mail.cmnet.gr,S=1163703:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 57472 May 4 18:48 1461842291.M774986P2064V000000008D20B631I0000000000100D35.mail.cmnet.gr,S=57472:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 5594 May 4 18:48 1461846812.M518098P6553V000000008D20B631I00000000001015C7.mail.cmnet.gr,S=5594:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 16313 May 4 18:48 1461856061.M311185P15115V000000008D20B631I000000000010126E.mail.cmnet.gr,S=16313:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 8141623 May 5 08:43 1462430583.31982_0.server.mywebfiles.gr:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 15840 May 5 09:02 1462431776.3726_0.server.mywebfiles.gr:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 146508 May 5 10:00 1462435241.15263_0.server.mywebfiles.gr:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 650354 May 5 10:01 1462435265.15318_0.server.mywebfiles.gr:2,S
-rw------- 1 popuser popuser 5118224 May 5 10:36 1462437391.22329_0.server.mywebfiles.gr:2,S
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 11:25 Comment #1
The file names it uses shouldn't actually matter. Whether the hostname is in there or not, what matters is generally just the content of the files themselves, along with the file permissions.
At least, that's the way it works with the Dovecot service that runs on a Virtualmin server.
Is it possible that you're seeing a file permission issue?
You may want to review the email logs on your new server to see what errors are showing up there.
However, note that we don't have experience administering, or migrating to, a Plesk server, so it's tough for us to say what the issue would be.