Let's Crypt SSL cert on Android untrusted

Let's Crypt certificates work great for website if viewed from desktop and ipad devices across multiple varied browsers. But on android devices, they are not trusted. NET:: ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID

Why is this? Everyone else is OK with the SSL, Chrome is OK on desktop and iPod, but not on android device. I have tested across multiple devices from multiple networks with the same result.

The CERT was generated a few days ago and the behavior has stayed the same, Android seems to not like the Let's Crypt Certs.


Can you advise, is there a solution?Virtualmin Virtual Servers (97)

Closed (fixed)


This is due to Webmin / Virtualmin using the wrong (actually old) CA cert for Let's Encrypt - however, it will be fixed in the upcoming 1.794 release.

Status: Active ยป Fixed