

I have an intel i7, 8 cores, 48Gb Ram. The virtualmin is running slow. Is there any way to give more resources to virtualmin in order to function better and quicker?




Howdy -- can you describe what it is that's slow exactly? Is there one screen in particular that's a problem?

Also, what output do you receive if you run the commands "uptime" and "free -m"?

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Thu, 03/17/2016 - 18:56

It is slow from a menu item option to another.

root@server ~ # uptime
00:53:09 up 1 day,  6:55,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.07, 0.10
root@server ~ # free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         48294       5849      42445         46        406       1445
-/+ buffers/cache:       3997      44296
Swap:        24559          0      24559
root@server ~ #

You aren't likely seeing any sort of resource issue on the server end.

Does it work any differently if you try accessing it using a different browser? Also, which browser is it that you're using?

Also, the next Webmin version to come out should contain an updated version of the Authentic theme, that includes an updated renderer. I'd be curious if that speeds things up for you.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Fri, 03/18/2016 - 08:41


the problem is with the firefox. I use Chrome and it is run much better but generally there is a short delay.

Ok, I will wait the new version to see the new results!

Okay, thanks for letting us know that Chrome helped!

We definitely want it to work well with all browsers, so I'll go do some testing and see if I can reproduce an issue like that.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Fri, 03/18/2016 - 09:49

Maybe my Firefox has some problem because I can see that it generally slower than Chrome.

I can confirm this problem with firefox being really slow with the new virtualmin theme

Opening a mailbox with about 500mails to display I get the warning 'A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.' several times until the site is displayed (what takes ages).

In chrome an IE it is faster, but really fast is something different. Switching to the old framed theme firefox is MUCH faster and displays the 500 mails in less than two or three seconds.

Seems to be some render stuff in javascript - pressing 'stop script' in the ff warning displays the site immidiately (it must be downloaded completely than), with the lack of being able to mark or open mails (or entrys in general)

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Sat, 04/23/2016 - 04:17

Did you release the new version of authentic theme. I have also faced performance issues even if I am using chrome. Sometimes it loads very slow from one option to another.

The next Webmin version will include a newer version of Authentic, which includes a number of performance increases and improvements.

keep in mind that firefox is not able to use more than one core for rendering due to the fact it is not a fully multi-process and multi-threaded rednering system. IE/edge and chrome are which is a big reason why they are much faster. There is only so much virt can do when you are accessing things with a browser using philosophies from 10 years ago.