This account is currently not available


my websites running normally but today php-fpm services stoped. And when i restart php-fpm the websites didn't start.

i tried "/etc/init.d/ restart"

it says "This account is currently not available."

when i created i sub-server in its working but is not working.

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- just to verify, are you using Nginx there, rather than Apache?

If so, what happens if you restart Nginx, and then try accessing one of your websites?

i'm using Nginx and tried before restart nginx, php-fpm and nothing changed.

Can you paste in the contents of your /etc/init.d/ file? It may help to see what's in there. Thanks!

a few days ago i changed Shell /bin/bash to /sbin/nologin. I changed back and it fix. andreychek thanks for help.

Status: Active ยป Fixed