Multiple php versions: missing php configuration under Services

Hi, i installed 2 versions of php on my virtualmin server (php 5.6 and 7.0). Virtualmin re-check does see both versions, but under the domains, services i only see php 5.6 configuration.

What can i do to resolve this issue?

Thanks Jiri



What's the path to the PHP 7.0 php command on your system?

php70 -> /opt/remi/php70/root/usr/bin/php
php56 -> /opt/remi/php56/root/usr/bin/php

Ok, the problem is that Virtualmin doesn't look in those /opt/remi directories.

Where did you install these PHP packages from?

From the Remi repository using Yum.

Which repo should i use to install the latest php versions?

The php56 version is being recoqnised by Virtualmin.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Wed, 03/30/2016 - 16:43

I have exactly the same issue but in Ubuntu 14.04 server. I have installed manually the second php version but Virtualmin under the domains can see only the php that installed with Virtualmin.

With CentOS, there is a very simple way to install a second PHP version. The instructions here describe how to do that:

However, Jamie may have additional thoughts on why the second PHP version isn't offering the ability to configure it within Virtualmin.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Sat, 04/23/2016 - 04:21

Yes, the problem is that: "the second PHP version isn't offering the ability to configure it within Virtualmin"

Did you find anything for this?

itwebservices, the problem you're experiencing is slightly different. I will follow up with you in your other request regarding that.