Attachments in Issue Tracker

Please bring back the ability to attach items to comments in the issue tracker. Yes, you can to an initial post but not in responses. It's helpful for posting screenshots or log files etc.



You can attach files - just click on the Edit tab, and somewhere in the windows that appears is an Upload button.

Steffan's picture
Submitted by Steffan on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 21:51 Pro Licensee

That attaches them to the initial post, not the replies in place like it did before. it was just a suggestion.

Oh, right - I'm not sure how much we can do about that, as the tracker is a Drupal module that we didn't develop.

Thanks, I'll work with Joe and look into whether that's possible.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 03/11/2016 - 12:33 Pro Licensee

Yeah, I'd like that, too. There are some ways to attach files to arbitrary elements (like comments), but they're all pretty clumsy, and also would need to be tested a bit on the devel instance. But, I'll add it to my todo list.