Recovering database after wipe out by script uninstaller

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#1 Tue, 03/01/2016 - 05:18

Recovering database after wipe out by script uninstaller


I removed an installation of wordpress using the Install Scripts method (installed in /wordpress directory) I didn't realised it was actually pointing to my db that was being used by my website in the / - root - directory). So I lost the DB...

is there a way to recover it?

I am searching for it at the moment using photorec... and my backup is a bit outdated.

Any tip would be good.


Tue, 03/01/2016 - 10:03


The only way to recover that would be if you had a backup.

If you have any Virtualmin backups (such as those created using the Backup and Restore -> Scheduled Backups), you could get the database data from it.

You mentioned that that was outdated... you could always just restore the MySQL database feature, and not the entire backup.

Unfortunately, there aren't other ways to retrieve that data (other than sending your hard drive into a data restoration company and crossing your fingers that they can find it using special tools).


Wed, 03/02/2016 - 11:03

Thanks for the answer. That's what I did. Unfortunately the backup was quite old... As a suggestion, for the future add an alert and/or automatic backup of the DB when someone chooses to uninstall a script. That would have saved about 24h of work :) and in some cases might saved precious data. I tried recovering the db files using photorec and other tools (debugfs just didn't worked with LVM), but nothing usable was recovered. Luckly google has cached most of my site pages a day before this.

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