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Hello, trying to install Magento 2 and checking the requirements for Centos 7...
Neither php 5.6 nor MySQL 5.6 are available in the Webmin update packages, are there any plans to add them soon?
If not, what is the best way to install them?
You can add php56 with a software collection. there is a thread here with some info. it was pretty easy to do even for a noob like me, i put some notes on how to in the thread.
Thanks for that.
I think I'll wait for the update to the Webmin packages.
I'll see if I can manually install Magento 1.9 for now, the script install is returning an mcript error.
I am also interested in this. What about upgrading to MySQL 5.6? Thanks
For PHP 5.6 just use the official SCL:
You can follow the Virtualmin documentation here:
Then select PHP 5.6 in the virtual server PHP Configuration.
I don't know Magento, but maybe you'll need to install some additional modules. Please kindly refer to their official documentation.
For MySQL 5.6 either use:
Please note that Virtualmin is unable to manage MySQL/MariaDB SCLs, but you should just have to enable to service. AFAIK the SCLs run on Port 3307 or similar instead of the default MySQL/MariaDB-Port 3306, but you should probably check that via
. You should also runmysql_secure_installation
in a shell with the respective SCL enabled to properly do the initial database setup. For example:Howdy,
Virtualmin just uses the software versions that come with the distro you're using. Also, we don't recommend using software from third parties, as that can introduce a lot of complications.
PHP is a bit simpler, as you can install a second PHP version alongside your existing PHP version using the CentOS SCL repository.
But that's not so simple with MySQL.
Our recommendation is generally to use a Linux distribution that provides the software you are interested in.
However, as described above, there are ways to use newer MySQL/MariaDB versions, such as using the SCL repo, or directly from the MySQL/MariaDB websites. If you wish to go that route though, I'd highly recommend testing the process on a test server, rather than trying it for the first time on your live/production server.