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I'm getting this error:
Subject: Failed backup of Virtualmin on to /virtualmin_backup/maandag/xx-xx-xx on FTP server
Creating backup for virtual server Copying virtual server configuration .. .. done
Backing up Cron jobs ..
.. none defined.
Copying records in DNS domain ..
.. done
Saving mail aliases ..
.. done
Saving mail and FTP users ..
.. done
Backing up mail and FTP user Cron jobs ..
.. none to backup
Copying Apache virtual host configuration ..
.. done
Copying Webalizer configuration files ..
.. done
Copying Logrotate configuration ..
.. done
Dumping MySQL database websitename ..
.. done
Copying Procmail and SpamAssassin configuration files ..
.. done
Backing up Webmin ACL files ..
.. done
Backing up AWstats configuration file ..
.. done
Backing up DAV users file ..
.. done
Creating backup of Mailman mailing lists ..
.. no lists found
Creating TAR file of home directory ..
.. done
Uploading archive to FTP server ..
.. upload failed! Failed to read reply to initial connection
.. completed in 2 minutes, 12 seconds
But the strange thing is that when I navigate to the location where the backups are located, then you'll see the backups and nothing is wrong with these backups. But I want to know why my virtualmin server is giving me this error. Can anyone help me?
My FTP is a NAS server ny the way.
With kind regards,
Hmm, do you receive that same error for each backup that's being uploaded?
Also, does your NAS have an option to use SSH rather than FTP? I'm curious if you have better luck with that, or if you receive the same error.
Hello Andrey,
Yes I do recieve the same error for each backup that's being uploaded. That's the weird thing, but these backup files are uploaded to the NAS, but it still gives me this error.
There is a SSH option on my NAS, but I prefer to use FTP, cause it's a standard protocol that we use here. But if there is no other solution to try to fix this error then I will think about it.
My NAS does not have a SSH option unfortunately..
Guess the FTP on my NAS is bringing me the wrong information (what I already expected). I've tried to backup to another FTP server and everything worked correctly. No errors were found. But I still can't figure it out why my NAS is giving the server the wrong information?
I have a ZyXEL NSA-220. Maybe some of you know why?
Kind regards, Davviiee
I'm unfortunately not sure why you're seeing that particular issue.. my only thought would be to review the logs on your NAS, as maybe there's a more detailed error message on there.