rh-php56 is not being recognized by virtualmin

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#1 Fri, 07/31/2015 - 13:03

rh-php56 is not being recognized by virtualmin

I have the latest Virtualmin installed on CentOS 7 which has php version 5.4 and apache 2.4 installed by default. I have successfully installed a second php version, php55, from the rhscl repo and it is recognized and working great. BUT now I installed rh-php56 from the same repo and when I recheck the configuration, Virtualmin doesn't seem to recognize it. What am I doing wrong?

Here are the commands I ran followed by the Virtualmin Re-Check Configuration:

yum install rh-php56
yum install rh-php56-php-mysqlnd rh-php56-php-gd rh-php56-php-xmlrpc rh-php56-php-bcmath rh-php56-php-mbstring rh-php56-php-pecl-xdebug rh-php56-php-xdebug-debuginfo rh-php56-php-pspell rh-php56-php-soap rh-php56-php-intl rh-php56-php-pecl-jsonc-debuginfo rh-php56-php-pecl-xdebu-debuginfo rh-php56-php-recode
scl enable rh-php56 bash

Just for reference the additional repos used are:

Fri, 07/31/2015 - 15:07


Virtualmin should support PHP version 5.6.

What is the full path to the PHP 5.6 binary?

However, I'm actually not sure if Virtualmin can support more than 2 PHP versions... I've never tried that before.

Does it work if you just have PHP 5.4 and 5.6 on there?


Tue, 12/01/2015 - 19:21

What code checks for software collection php versions installed on centos 7?

On my system

CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)

After installing software collections php 5.6

scl -l




If I make a symbolic link between /opt/rh/rh-php56 and /opt/rh/php56 the virtualmin recheck picks up php56.

What other changes needed for proper operation?

Tue, 12/01/2015 - 23:41


That symbolic link is all you need -- and Virtualmin will handle that correctly in the next release.


Wed, 12/02/2015 - 08:46

Look forward to next release.

On virtualmin 4.1.8 gpl

Services shows

PHP 5 Configuration

PHP 5.4 Configuration

PHP 5.5 Configuration

There is no

PHP 5.6 Configuration listed on left hand menu

Need to make additional changes?

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 17:06 (Reply to #5)

phpinfo shows php 5.6.5 available with /home/{domain}/etc/php5.6.5/php.ini

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