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Is there an easy way to install ionCube Loader in virtualmin . If that is avaliable in the pro version I am happy to buy it now becaue i need ionCube Loader for my sites to work. Can you conform this
Unfortunately there isn't an ionCube loader Install Script for Virtualmin. There probably should be, there's quite a few folks who want those installed :-)
The WHMCS Install Script does happen to install ionCube automatically, but there isn't a standalone ionCube Install Script.
Unfortunately there isn't an ionCube loader Install Script for Virtualmin. There probably should be, there's quite a few folks who want those installed :-)
The WHMCS Install Script does happen to install ionCube automatically, but there isn't a standalone ionCube Install Script.
Thanks. WHMCS Install Script requires a license
Yeah it does, if that's not something you need, you may just need to install ionCuber loader mqnually for the time being. Sorry!
NOTE: This is for educational use only; it may or may not work; your mileage may vary.
Step-by-step procedure for installing the IONCUBE loaders into a REDHAT/CENTOS server
(more information found at
cd /usr/local
(for 32 bit machine)
(for 64 bit machine)
(create a PHP5 conf file)
vim /etc/php5/conf.d/0_ioncube.ini
(determine correct loader based on current PHP version, this example is for PHP 5.6)
zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/
;zend_extension_ts = /usr/local/ioncube/
(restart APACHE server)
service apache2 restart