Migrating from one server to another but don's see sub-servers on the new server.

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#1 Thu, 10/16/2014 - 18:48

Migrating from one server to another but don's see sub-servers on the new server.

Hi there, I am trying to migrate to a new server. I followed the instructions at http://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/system/migrate

First I had some issues because git module and google analytics module were not installed on the new server.

I installed both modules but since I have about 10 servers and 20 sub-servers and the backup files totalled about 120Gigs it took hours to do.

I then decided to migrate one server after another. I have restored one server and 2 sub-servers belonging to that server. When I restored I got no error message and everything appeared to run OK. However I see only the top level server and don't see the sub-servers. Is there some setting that is causing this?

I migrated from CENTOS 5 to CENTOS 6.5

Any help is much appreciated.

Best Regards,


Fri, 10/17/2014 - 09:18

Has this already been answered and I am supposed to search more extensively? I tried looking. I will try again.

In the meantime if anyone had any ideas and can help I will be much obliged. Thanks



Fri, 10/17/2014 - 10:52


What you're doing above should work... the migrations are normally pretty straight forward.

When you're logging into Virtualmin on the new server, are you doing so as root? And then, as root, you're saying you only see one domain listed in the drop-down on the top-left?


Fri, 10/17/2014 - 12:02

Yes Andrei, Thanks for responding. I see only the parent domain in the drop down. I don't see the sub-server.

I am indeed logging in as root. Should I delete the parent level and retry?

When I first ran the restore it errored out after importing some domains. I think I might want to delete all the domains that have been created and then re-run one by one?

Do you have a method to delete all the files that have been imported? Thanks again



Fri, 10/17/2014 - 13:52

Is there a way to just delete any servers, sub-servers (not visible in the fronted) and start from scratch? I could try that. Thanks much



Fri, 10/17/2014 - 14:16


Well, in theory, if a domain doesn't appear in Virtualmin, then Virtualmin doesn't think it's there.

It is indeed unusual that you performed a restore of a domain, but that domain isn't there now.

Is there any chance you could try it again, and if it's still not working, copy and paste the restore output you receive and put that in here?



Fri, 10/17/2014 - 16:21

THANKS for looking into this. See output below.

[root@web3 tonewserver]# virtualmin restore-domain --source /backup/tonewserver/***change.com.tar.gz --all-virtualmin --allocate-ip --reuid --all-features Checking for missing features .. .. all features in backup are supported

Checking for errors in backup .. .. no errors found

Starting restore.. Extracting backup archive file .. .. done

Restoring Virtualmin settings .. .. done

Restore completed successfully.

[root@web3 tonewserver]# virtualmin restore-domain --source /backup/tonewserver/au*****.***change.com.tar.gz --all-virtualmin --allocate-ip --reuid --all-features Checking for missing features .. .. all features in backup are supported

Checking for errors in backup .. .. no errors found

Starting restore.. Extracting backup archive file .. .. done

Restoring Virtualmin settings .. .. done

Restore completed successfully.



Fri, 10/17/2014 - 17:04

Aha! Try passing in the "--all-domains " option.

At the moment, it's only looking for saved Virtualmin features to restore. The "--all-domains" option will tell it to restore the actual domains stored in that particular backup.


Fri, 10/17/2014 - 20:27 (Reply to #8)

Thanks Eric, I have started the restore with the all-domains parameter. I will update you how it went. |/


Sat, 10/18/2014 - 18:14

Eric, It worked !!! Thanks so much. I am now doing a backup from source and restoring to the new server again.

One more related question.

Let us say I do a full backup on Day 1 Next I do an incremental backup on Day 2 Then an incremental backup on Day 3

Then I restore the full backup to a new server. To make sure the new server has all the changes on Day 3 should I first do a restore of Day 2 and then restore the Day 3 incremental backup? Or is it sufficient to restore ONLY the Day 3 incremental backup to keep the destination current with the source server?



Mon, 10/20/2014 - 09:29


In the case you described, you would first want to restore the Full backup from Day 1, and then the incremental backup from Day 3.

You don't need the Day 2 backup, the Day 3 backup will contain everything that changed since Day 1.


Mon, 10/20/2014 - 17:44

Thanks so much for your help Eric



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