Virtualmin not showing 'add virtual server'

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#1 Thu, 09/04/2014 - 18:16

Virtualmin not showing 'add virtual server'

Hi all! doing a fresh install of Virtualmin on a VPS. old server finally died after 8? years.

Install went fine- i customized a few settings for appearance. seems that everything is working fine.

after all was installed - i have a blank page on Virtualmin Virtual Servers page. only other text is 'No virtual servers have been created yet.' no buttons or way of creating first virtual site.

not sure if there is suppose to be a 'create virtual server' button, or how/where to look.

would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. thank you keith

Wed, 09/10/2014 - 21:59

after a ton of googling, and playing with a lot of setting, i found this post

one comment in there states i needed to change the theme that i am using. tried all of them- no luck. another comment mentions that i have to use a base, minimal install before installing virtualmin. i had installed webmin first. would this cause the problem i am having?? i can hose the system and start over. any one have experience wit this? thank you for any direction

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