Ubuntu 14.04 Spamassassin Issue

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#1 Thu, 09/04/2014 - 17:30

Ubuntu 14.04 Spamassassin Issue


I have a clean install of Ubuntu server 14.04 but get an error when trying to enable spamassassin. I have installed 3 times to make sure its nothing i am doing. I do the install then upgrade and dist-upgrade so i know i have a fully up to date system then install virtualmin. when you install virtualmin you see 1 error :- no mirror data available for channel updates.spamassassin.org channel: MIRRORED.BY file URL was not in DNS, channel failed when you try to start spamassassin from virtualmin you get:-

Starting SpamAssassin server ..
    .. failed to start : Starting SpamAssassin Mail Filter Daemon: child process [3828] exited or timed out without signaling production of a PID file: exit 255 at /usr/sbin/spamd line 2960.
.. something went wrong!

Virtualmin doesnt report any errors when you check configuration except for an IPV6 which we dont use.

The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled features are available, that the mail server is properly configured, and that quotas are active ..
    Your system has 985.34 MB of memory, which is at or above the Virtualmin recommended minimum of 256 MB.
    BIND DNS server is installed, and the system is configured to use it.
    Mail server Postfix is installed and configured.
    Postfix can support per-domain outgoing IP addresses, but is not currently configured to do so. This can be setup in the Postfix Mailserver module.
    Apache is installed.
    The following PHP versions are available : 5.5.9 (/usr/bin/php5-cgi)
    Webalizer is installed.
    Apache is configured to host SSL websites.
    MySQL is installed and running.
    ProFTPd is installed.
    Logrotate is installed.
    SpamAssassin and Procmail are installed and configured for use.
    ClamAV is installed and assumed to be running.
    The System and Server Status module is installed and checking on schedule.
    Plugin AWstats reporting is installed OK.
    Plugin Mailman is installed OK.
    Plugin Protected web directories is installed OK.
    Using network interface em1 for virtual IPs.
    IPv6 addresses are available, using interface em1.
    Default IPv4 address for virtual servers is
    Virtualmin could not work out the default IPv6 address for virtual servers on your system. You will need to update either the Network interface for virtual addresses or Default virtual server IP address fields on the module configuration page.
    Both user and group quotas are enabled for home and email directories.
    All commands needed to create and restore backups are installed.
    Resource limits are supported and configured correctly.
    The selected package management and update systems are installed OK.
.. your system is ready for use by Virtualmin.

I have done a little digging on the net and tried:-

> rpm -qa | grep spam
sh: 1: rpm: not found
> sa-update
error: no mirror data available for channel updates.spamassassin.org
channel: MIRRORED.BY file URL was not in DNS, channel failed
> /etc/init.d/spamassassin start
Starting SpamAssassin Mail Filter Daemon: child process [4173] exited or timed out without signaling production of a PID file: exit 255 at /usr/sbin/spamd line 2960.
> /etc/init.d/spamd start
sh: 1: /etc/init.d/spamd: not found
> apt-get install --purge spamassassin
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
spamassassin is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> apt-get install spamassassin
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
spamassassin is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> sa-update --no-gpg
error: no mirror data available for channel updates.spamassassin.org
channel: MIRRORED.BY file URL was not in DNS, channel failed
> host updates.spamassassin.org
Host updates.spamassassin.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> host software.virtualmin.com
software.virtualmin.com has address
software.virtualmin.com mail is handled by 5 mail.software.virtualmin.com.
> cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
search myserver.co.uk

It looks like a dns issue however it is the only host not working. any help would be appresiated


Thu, 09/04/2014 - 23:28


Hmm, you may be seeing an Ubuntu package/permission bug.

Take a peek at the thread here, as this seems like your issue, and try the suggestion in the first comment (the one suggesting running "chown"):


Fri, 09/05/2014 - 02:36


Thanks for the reply, i have tried this and still get the same error


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