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Trying to back up virtual server from ubuntu 10.04 & restore to ubuntu 14.04
Is the possible with the apache2 version changes?
as I'm getting error: 'You don't have permission to access / on this server.' with any restored virtual server /domain
Would I have any better luck with ubuntu 12.04
Thanks Garry
Appears know one interested in assisting me on this :(
But just incase it is helpful to anyone else, this is how I got around the issue.
I had no luck moving domains from Ubuntu 10 > 14.04, using Virtualmin backup & restore feature. Obviously It did work if I moved them manually by creating new account on 14.04 & moving data across but this way too slow for multiple domains.
What did work & allowed me to utilize Virtualmin Backup - Virtualmin Restore - to new server, was when the new server was CentOS 6.5. This was OK with me as I'm happy with CentOS, Debain or Ubuntu on my servers.
Cheers Garry
Appears know one interested in assisting me on this :(
This is a holiday weekend in the US, I'd recommend being patient for a response :-)
as I'm getting error: 'You don't have permission to access / on this server.' with any restored virtual server /domain
I have a suspicion there may be an issue with restoring a domain onto a server running Apache 2.4, which requires a special config parameter to run ("Require All Granted" needs to be in the Directory blocks in the Apache config).
I'll talk to Jamie to make sure that's being properly added when restoring a domain created on an older Apache version onto Apache 2.4.
G'Day Eric,
I did try "Require All Granted" after a quick consult with google 'Apache 2.4 uprade', still no luck, as logs were not giving much away & I was getting impatient ;) I stumbled over my CentOS sidestep.
Re: " Appears know one interested in assisting me on this :( " twas meant 2 b taken seriously :(
Cheers Garry