**update - I figured this out and wrote a guide which is included a few comments down.
I have a Joomla website with some custom development in PHP that has been easily backed up and restored (using Akeeba) from Hostgator to GoDaddy and back. All elements function fine when I do these restores. I wanted to take the performance leap to a VPS, so I fired up a Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit) VPS and installed Virtualmin as my control panel product for creating my different virtual servers.
Once set up I created my virtual servers and was able to restore one of my basic Joomla sites fine, but when I tried to restore my second site (which has some custom PHP development) I found some of the functions and renderings are not working correctly.
My question is what other variables, parameters, or apache modules do I need to install, set, enable for my Virtualmin instance to behave like a GoDaddy or HostGator platform from a functionality perspective?
As an example of the errors I encounter, I am seeing the following error in my Apache error log when I try to run one of the functions. This function has no problems on the two other hosting providers when restored the exact same way.
[Sat May 24 21:41:32.637127 2014] [fcgid:warn] [pid 28182] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatetruecolor() in /home/perfectprofiler/public_html/components/com_perfectpro/frontend_pages/quiz_finished.php on line 807
I am not a Linux noob, but I am not exactly well seasoned either. Any type of feedback on how I can finish building this virtualmin host so it can accept sites that were hosted fine on other providers would be great.
Some package that is not installed by default but needed for a lot of software is 'GD library'. You can install it with 'apt-get install php5-gd'. This will install the missing functionality.
Maybe you can see all GoDaddy/Hostgator modules with a phpinfo file and install them on your VPS.
Thank you very much Cognosco.
Thanks cognosco, the GD Library did take things a bit further. I compared the phpinfo from old and new hosts and see about 10 modules in Hostgator that are not in my Virtualmin instance. Not sure which of them I need, but I guess it can't hurt to load them all, right? I need to look for the install package name for each now.
GMP imagick intl mcrypt pspell SourceGuardian tidy xmlrpc Zend Guard Loader ionCube Loader
I got it all working and wrote a guide on how to get it all working. While Virtualmin is a great platform, there are many things missing when you do an install on something like Ubuntu that without them you will run into issues trying to run Wordpress or certain plugins. The attached guide is from my knowledge and I have built a few servers from this guide so far.
If anyone has input or feedback on this guide I would love to hear it so I can make revisions.