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Hi There,
From: >System >Bootup and Shutdown I'm trying to disable:
But after restart these items are still running - at least, that's what Virtualmin states.
Is there a way to check if they're actually running from the command line?
So have found a couple of commands to check, and after rebooting I can see that the services are running after reboot using:
$ service bind9 status
$ service clamav-freshclam status
$ service clamav-daemon status
If the "Disable now and on boot" button in Virtualmin doesn't work for you, you can do it from the command line like this:
Stop a service:
$ service bind9 stop
Disable at startup:
$ update-rc.d bind9 disable
Reboot the server:
$ reboot
Check if it's running:
$ service spamassassin status
Rince and repeat for services you wish to disable by replacing the service name with the name you see in Virtialmin like this:
$ update-rc.d clamav-freshclam disable
If there's a better way to do this, please sing out as I'm fairly green when it comes to the command line.