MEGA RANT- PHPmyadmin not working if installed on server with its name.

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#1 Fri, 04/11/2014 - 09:51

MEGA RANT- PHPmyadmin not working if installed on server with its name.

AMAZING.. Is this full of bugs or im a complete noob (and theres no such tutorial for me jet) or mega tester who finds a lot bugs.. 1st time making own server and in 24h about 10th bug.. Now newest im posting here is this- since becouse of other bugs if servers are set up and one of 100 subservers get compromised with install fail i need to remove whole SERVER with phpmyadmin in it.. So to at least i can use virtualmin dividing in 100 servers (witch i dont this is good or practical & also making each as new is big time waste then just clicking for my user subserver) i wanted to make phpmyadmin in seperate server. Since virtualmin after phpmyadmin installation makes it available also from domain then i could install phpmyadmin seperatly.. My domain for example is then after installing ins phpmyadmin it is allways in and duplicates in virtualmin domain adress in my example THIS IS NOT WORKING IF YOU MAKE SERVER NAMED PHPMYADMIN AND TO NOT REINSTALL ALL YOU NEED TO FIGURE IT OUT AND YOU CANT IF YOU USE IT 1st TIME BUT YOU WILL IF YOU FIND A LOT BUGS SO YOU START ASSUMING ITS BROKEN AGAIN SOMEHOW.. Thank you for your attention. Solution: a.) i dont know b.) for example in script make if domainname is phpmyadmin then warn- it wont work in main virtualmin domain installation adress.

Fri, 04/11/2014 - 12:48


We're sorry that you're frustrated, but it would be helpful to have a little less ranting, and little more technical explanation of what you're trying to do that isn't working properly :-)

I'm not sure I follow what you're saying above -- if you install phpMyAdmin into a Virtual Server -- say, to use your example from the above -- then phpMyAdmin would be available in one place, and that is

Or if you made a Virtual Server named, you could install phpMyAdmin into the root of that.

So what is it that you're trying to do, that isn't working properly?

Also, what distribution and version is it that you're using there?


Fri, 04/11/2014 - 15:54
Kangarooo heres admin & passw ill destroy this server anyway tomorrow. virtualmin virtualmin u can make extra admins and give it to others. dns settings are A @ CNAME * @ ( so all subdomains are going too ) ssh root shit phpmyadmin root shit virtualmin main user root shit extra admin virtualmin virtualmin

so theres with public_html install of phpmyadmin after i made new server it isnt working .

so if i would have my all domains already in this server then now i need to remove them all if i have installed them as subserver of neighbour phpmyadmin server witch now only way to remove this phpmyadmin is by removing top server.

ill go to irc too #virtualmin @ freenode

Sat, 04/12/2014 - 13:41

Hello? Anyone got in with passwords i gave? Ill not destroy server until you can see problems. Its still up.

Sun, 04/13/2014 - 02:51

My apologies, but I doubt you'll receive much support here, given your "mega-rant" attitude and your way of explaining the problems that's nearly impossible to follow.

People are doing this for free in their spare time in this forum, so ranting doesn't help at all, and if you want support, you need to clearly and concisely explain what you wanted to do, what you tried and what happened. There's guides on the net on how to properly ask questions in technical forums, you might want to check out one of those first.

Mon, 04/14/2014 - 19:46 (Reply to #5)

that was to know has anyone thryd my logins to try what i wrote as couse i dont know how to check if anyone has logged in. ill not keep that server for long.. now lucky i dont need it for 2 more days. anyone can test fully theese bugs or anything they want and if someone screws it by changing passwords then its too late. If solvers gets on this bug too late- ill be already destroyed server and trying something other without bugs but how to find theese bugs- maybe 10 years later? Couse i started posting on 5th bug and others could be posting never couse on 1st bug they would not even try to find or register in this forum.

ps. i just called it rant.. nothing to do with bug solving witch could be somewhere here around and needed for this bug full situation.

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