Hope to find some answers here.
I have 2 servers . Ns1 with IP111 (examples) Ns2 with IP222
On both servers I have installed Virtualmin. I want to configure it so the ns1 is a master and ns2 is a slave and gets updated from master. At nameCheap I pointed servers as Ns1 to IP111 Ns2 to IP222
Created Virtual Server at ns1.
In BIND of ns1 Webmin Servers Index I tried to add ip from ns2 server (as it says) but it doesn’t work because ;after in Cluster Slave Servers doesn’t accept just IP.
I tried to add ns2.mydomain.com , also it doesn’t work. If I do same from ns2 side then it works.
Ns1 records were created when used Create Virtual Server .
So I am not sure what is missing. Do I have to add a different domain to ns2 server?
When I have 2 domain names where should I point them?
Would this be ok as it is now? domain1 to ns1 ip111and ns2 ip222 domain2 use same name servers as domain1.
Can you reiterate and elaborate that part please, bit by bit, saying exactly what you did and what happened? I don't really understand that part:
"In BIND of ns1 Webmin Servers Index I tried to add ip from ns2 server (as it says) but it doesn’t work because ;after in Cluster Slave Servers doesn’t accept just IP. I tried to add ns2.mydomain.com , also it doesn’t work. If I do same from ns2 side then it works."
I followed instructions -Webmin Servers Index -add the server For server I added ns2.mydomain.com Also added webbing logging details user and password But I can’t log in , in instructions is not described how to set slave server.
I'm sorry, I still can't really follow what you did. Maybe someone else can, but if you'd like me to try and help you, please reiterate step by step what you tried to achieve, what you did, and what issues exactly occurred.
Done this “Click on the Webmin Servers Index link in the Webmin dropdown menu. Click Register a new server. Enter the hostname of your slave server. Select the type of OS running on the slave. If you installed the Perl Net SSLeay module and Webmin is using SSL on the slave server, set the SSL server? option to Yes. Otherwise leave it on No. Select a Link type of Login via Webmin with username ... password ..., and enter the authentication details for an admin level user (usually root). Change Make fast RPC calls? to Yes. Click Save”
hostname of slave server I added; ns2.mydomain.com
and I get an error; Failed to save server : Host does not exist
on ns2.mydomain.com I have only installed virtualmin with bind running
Do i have to do something on the slave server?
Try adding the slave server with its IP address, or an externally resolvable hostname (one that does not depend on your own nameservers to work), that's more reliable.
Trying to debug why your ns2 does not resolve is a separate and secondary issue and requires a lot more testing and information. Probably it would be best if I could log on to your system directly to test things. At the very least I'd need to know all domains, hostnames and IP addresses involved instead of placeholders.
Thanks for answering my questions.
"Try adding the slave server with its IP address, or an externally resolvable hostname"
With IP address it connects but in the following steps doesn't accept IP. I found out that the ns1.mydomain.com doesnt pint to IP. It is strange i do just-ping from many sites and sometimes 80% show ok connection but in one hour 80% cant access it.
I am trying to follow the instructions DNS Slave Auto-Configuration Quickstart https://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/dns/slave-configuration
In the document it says to instal on server 1 Virtual min and on the server 2 the Webmin. I installed on server 2 Virtualmin as well, maybe that is the problem.
Anyway just trying to learn and make something useful.
The question is if manage to make it, will everything from server 1 be passed to server2 so if the server 1 is down server 2 takes over.
Okay, as I said, to do any tests here (the problem can have any number of reasons) I'd need to at least know all involved hostnames, domains and IP addresses and everything you use to test them. Anything else would be considerable guesswork.