A Fully Fresh-installed and updated Virtualmin on a CentOS 6.4 i386 system .
And then i use the rpmbuild to gently upgrade httpd to 2.4.7 ( comment out distcache-devel related things cause they don't exist on RHEL 6 ) and php to 5.5.6.
And then , Varnish installed , PageSpeed configured.
At the moment , Apache is still running perfectly but not until i login the Virtualmin and create a new virtual server , the config that VirtualMin are writing leads a bunch of mistakes , and even after i correct ( or delete ) them one by one , it just failed to start.
I remember seeing that starting from Webmin 1.650 , they already said that there will be "better Apache 2.4 support" , just...don't know where is it...
I know stable is something important but Apache 2.4.x is just so much better than 2.2.x , i don't think it is reasonable not to make your server so much better ( half of the credit goes to the all-new php with OpCache though ) by simply upgrading one program.
Did you figure the problems out? Btw. can you describe your process of upgrading Apache to 2.4.7 and php to 5.5.6 on CentOS? Thanks.
Sadly I did not.
Upgrading to Apache 2.4.7 and PHP 5.5.6 are easy.
As for Apache,you should refer to this official instruction: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/en/platform/rpm.html
And then use "rpm -Uvh httpd-2.4.7-1.i686.rpm" to upgrade the existing version,things should be good.
There will be some misconfiguration during the process ( e.g. distcache-devel no longer existed in RHEL 6 ) , so some steps should be taken to fix it , please Google for details.
As for PHP 5.5.6,just simply follow the instruction here: http://blog.famillecollet.com/post/2013/11/15/PHP-5.4.22-and-5.5.6
But it seems that OPCache is missing from this distribution,so a re-build from source is recommended.
Thanks, man. Can't try it out right now, because I suddenly found myself needing to change my hosting company.
I'm a Linode user if you want any better , though their kernel sucks.
I choose Linode only because I live in China and their Tokyo data center is the best choice , or else i might prefer DigitalOcean.
BTW , just converted everything to Nginx and the server had never been better , you might want to give it a shot :-)
I actually just spent a few days configuring Nginx + php-fpm + Chive (db manager) to work together! But I'm unable to run php 5.5.6 with GD enabled (I need it) with Nginx or Apache, because OVH Hosting has an older version of OpenVZ, which doesn't allow swap size changes. Nginx confs gave me a headache though :) why do I have to use a regex to run php .. urgh. But now I know too much and I guess I have to try Nginx in the future again!