Broken charset when migrating a vhost

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#1 Sat, 09/28/2013 - 09:30

Broken charset when migrating a vhost

Hi everyone. I use Virtualmin GPL with two different servers and I try to use the backup functions to migrate one server's virtual hosts to the other. It works quite fine (passwords, etc.), except one thing : in the HTML files, the charset is broken, and all special characters of french (éèàç,...) become something else when they are on the new server. I didn't chech if mysql databases have the same problème. What is odd, there, is that my two servers have the same language settings (UTF8). I don't understand where the problem happens, and I wonder if there are virtualmin settings to chage...

Sat, 10/05/2013 - 12:52

Am I alone to experiment this problem ?

Thu, 10/10/2013 - 02:28

Changing below worked for me when I was moving my server.

In httpd.conf add (or change if it's already there):

AddDefaultCharset utf-8

or just comment it out? maybe someone else can pitch in on this.


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