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I've finished the upgrade from Squeezy to Wheezy on my test environment. I followed your tut here: except the kernel update, because I'm on VPS.
During the update I let new configurations to write and only salsauthd and apache2.conf needed a little change. Everything works fine so far, BUT I'm a little bit confused by dpkg --audit after upgrade and I don't know how to correct it.
The output of dpkg --audit after upgrade is:
root@srv1:/# dpkg --audit
The following packages are missing the md5sums control file in the
database, they need to be reinstalled:
usermin web-based user account administration interface for Unix
webmin web-based administration interface for Unix systems
webmin-virtualmin-awstats Webmin module for 'AWstats Reporting'
git-core fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (obso
webmin-virtual-server Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Virtual Servers (GPL)'
webmin-virtual-server-mobile Webmin theme 'Virtualmin Mobile Theme'
webmin-virtualmin-svn Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Subversion Repositories'
webmin-virtualmin-dav Webmin module for 'Virtualmin DAV'
usermin-virtual-server-theme Usermin theme 'Virtualmin Framed Theme'
usermin-virtual-server-mobile Usermin theme 'Virtualmin Mobile Theme'
webmin-virtualmin-htpasswd Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Protected Directories
webmin-virtual-server-theme Webmin theme 'Virtualmin Framed Theme'
webmin-virtualmin-mailman Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Mailman Mailing Lists'
binutils GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
webmin-security-updates Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Package Updates'
Please help, how should I proceed?
Well, that doesn't look like a serious problem... you may just need to reinstall those packages in order to get it to regenerate the control file it's referring to.
The problem would likely fix itself over time if you didn't do anything, as whenever an update to those packages comes out, upgrading to that would regenerate the control file.
However, you should be able to resolve it now just by reinstalling those.
Well, I got a little nervous thinking about the Squeeze to Wheezy dist-upgrade, so I opted to order 2 new dedicated servers from my ISP with Debian 7.1
So now I had Servers 1 and 2 running Debian 6 with production data, and Servers 3 and 4 running Debian 7
STEP 1: I started by doing a virtualmin full backup of Server 1
# virtualmin backup-domain --dest /backup/full/ --all-domains --all-features --newformat --all-virtualmin
STEP 2: I then scp'd that backup to Server 3 and did a virtualmin restore
# virtualmin restore-domain --source /backup/full/ --all-domains --all-features
All went well, except for the "server aliases" issues, but those were minor.
I then change host records on eNom DNS, and the migration was complete.
I thought, hey, I should go back to Server 1, and try a dist-upgrade for fun.
I followed the instruction URL above, did the update/audit/dovecot/sources.list/kernel/udev... and reboot.
But the server never came back up. My ISP might've been able to figure out why, but would want more $. so I stopped there.
I'm so glad I just bought 2 new servers.