"Failed to save website options : Missing or invalid maximum PHP script run time" When saving Server options

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#1 Fri, 08/09/2013 - 09:15

"Failed to save website options : Missing or invalid maximum PHP script run time" When saving Server options

I get an error I haven't seen before: "Failed to save website options : Missing or invalid maximum PHP script run time"

I get this when trying to save a single subdomains prefrences. If i go to another domain or subdomain, I do not get it.

What would cause it?

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 11:52

I think I've seen this behavior before, but I can't fully recall it. When you say "preferences", what Virtualmin screen exactly do you mean?

Fri, 08/09/2013 - 12:24


In the Website Options screen, what is the "Maximum PHP script run time" option set to?


Fri, 08/09/2013 - 13:52


It is set to 0? I don't recall changing that... Perhaps an error?


Fri, 08/09/2013 - 14:50

Try changing that to something like "30", and see if you're then able to save changes to that screen.


Fri, 02/09/2018 - 13:23

in VirtualMin -> Server Configuration -> Website Options:

Change: Website Documents Sub-Directory: [ ] (empty) To: Website Documents Sub-Directory: [public_html]


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