Forbidden You don't have permission to access/index.html on this server.

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#1 Mon, 07/08/2013 - 22:45

Forbidden You don't have permission to access/index.html on this server.

Hi, my Proxmox HDD crashed and the backups won't restore, so I'm rebuilding Virtualmin/Webmin.

I setup Virtualmin as per standard defaults and pasted the same website files and folders into public_html, however I received the error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access/index.html on this server.

I tried: [root@localhost public_html]# chmod 644 index.html. I also tried [root@localhost public_html]# ls -la, which showed the permissions changed on index.html.

The browser now shows index.html, however only in plain text with no correct graphics etc. I tested other .html pages and same problem?

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 01:01

Maybe the file ownership is not correct? Try chown -R domainuser:domaingroup * and then chmod -R 770 * while in the public_html directory.

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