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I recently bought a VPS and installed Vritualmin on it. I have got an offsite DNS server along with the VPS. I am struggling to make it work. I think I don't know what I am actually doing.
I have domain name from godaddy, I need this to be the host name for the VPS, ie,
So can somebody please help me how to make this work?
Thanks a lot!
Are you looking to only use that offsite DNS as your nameserver? Your Virtualmin server wouldn't be acting as a nameserver along with the offsite?
If so, what that means is that you'd need to go to your offsite DNS server, and add a DNS 'A' record for ''.
Thanks a lot. So I have done it. Now which nameserver do I give in the Domain registrar to make it work? Also please tell me if there is anything else to make it work!