multiple remote mysql hosts

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#1 Tue, 10/18/2011 - 09:49

multiple remote mysql hosts

I trying to add ip's into remote mysql host section and I want to keep localhost and add my ip separated by a comma but I got an error.

Isn't there a way to keep localhost as well as the ip in the remote mysql hosts?

ie. localhost, x.x.x.%, y.y.y.% But I get this error: Failed to change remote database hosts : 'localhost, x.x.x.%, y.y.y.%' is not a valid hostname or expression

is there another method, or is it not even possible? It would be nice to still be able to use localhost for local programs accessing the database just for ease of use and then for remote programs using the db use the IP address.

Tue, 10/18/2011 - 09:56


You can have multiple hosts, but the way to add those is one host per line.

I'm realizing that's not mentioned on the page or the help text... I'll mention that to Jamie so he can add that text for future Virtualmin versions :-)


Tue, 10/18/2011 - 10:00

Yeah, I noticed nothing was mentioned about separation methods. This is great! Thanks so much Andrey. You guys do such great work here.

Thu, 12/29/2011 - 02:21

I only see a single line box to enter the remote IP of a single MySQL server but it sounds like you can enter multiple. Please confirm. Also, it seems the script installers fail always trying to find a local MySQL DB but I will post that in another thread. Thanks!

CANCEL THIS - I think you are talking about remote hosts connecting to a local MySQL DB and not the other way around....

Thu, 12/29/2011 - 08:10


Yeah, that's correct -- this is for remote hosts connecting to the local DB. And for that, the box is a text area in Edit Databases -> Remote Hosts.


Thu, 04/25/2013 - 04:38

Sorry for bringing this oldie up, but how can I have more than one IP for remote allowed hosts in "Server Templates" when it's only one line given.

It gives me a text box for edit databases, but a single line text for "allowed remote hosts" in server templates. How do I get this going?

Thu, 04/25/2013 - 22:41

This is driving me crazy, because I have two WANs at work and they work in failover. I want to make sure both IPs of the WANs can access the databases, but server templates gives me in server templates.

Mon, 04/29/2013 - 09:15

I had to ask Jamie to figure this one out, but he tells me that you can enter multiple IP addresses into that field, separating them by a space.

You can also use wildcards such as this:


I hope that helps!


Mon, 04/29/2013 - 21:54

Thanks once again andreychek! That worked perfectly well!

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