How to change e-mail subject encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 ?

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#1 Mon, 03/25/2013 - 01:30

How to change e-mail subject encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 ?


I am Korean.

I have change webmin and usermin's configure setting to Korean (KO_KR.UTF-8)

I have testing between 2 same setting linux server having UTF-8 VIRTUALMIN.

When receive a mail, Subject as follows: ENCODING is ISO-8859-1

I want to change all e-mail subject to UTF-8 encoding

Please Help me.

Subject: husokr @ husokr. =? ISO-8859-1? Q? Com ​​= 20 = EC = 9C = BC = EB = A1 = 9C = 20 = EB = B3 = B4 = EB = 82 = B4 = EB? == ? ISO-8859-1? Q? = 8A = 94 = 20 = EB = A9 = 94 = EC = 9D = BC = 20 = EA = B0 = 80 = EB = 82 = 98 = EB = 8B? ==? ISO -8859-1? Q? = A4 = EB = 9D = BC = EB = A7 = 88 = EB = B0 = 94 = EC = 82 = AC = EC = 95 = 84 = EC = 9E? ==? ISO-8859 -1? Q? = 90 = EC = B0 = A8 = EC = B9 = B4 = ED = 83 = 80 = ED = 8C = 8C = ED = 95 = 98? =

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 01:07

I received help from the link below.

Then, for a one email, some of subject are displayed strangely still in usermin.

In roundcube, All of that is well displayed.

Thank you

- Old man novice

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