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I'm interpreting your question as "can I create multiple virtual servers that have the same administrative user". :) If that's correct, then yes: Just create the additional servers as "sub-servers" of your initial one. Sub-servers share the administrative user and are put in the directory "domains" under the home directory of the parent.
I must test; and this is one solution;
another think (If I understood how work webmin virtualmin) is set some parameters in some settings : is so?
but sub-servers are used for this purpose?
in which case is better to use sub-server; I know that for subdomain is better use the same solutions used for domain and write instead of; while the specific functionality sub-domain with parent and children is useful for cms that use multidomains (really not know how) ; but is so?
know example regards the two defferent use?
To be able to say if that "is so" you'd need to tell me which "some parameters" and "some settings" you mean. :)
Use of the "subdomain" feature is discouraged, since it can lead to confusion. With sub-servers, you can use a subdomain of the parent, or a totally unrelated domain.
Can't speak personally for CMS with multi-domain, have never used those. You'd need to explain what requirements those have exactly.
In general, if you need more hints, you'd need to give us some more and concrete information and examples of what you're trying to accomplish.
To be able to say if that "is so" you'd need to tell me which "some parameters" and "some settings" you mean. :)
considering that there are many parameters for the default server creation I thinked that there was also one for set the owner
Use of the "subdomain" feature is discouraged, since it can lead to confusion.
With sub-servers, you can use a subdomain of the parent, or a totally unrelated domain
if I want create
is preferable for not create a new virtual-server with the name, but by Create Virtual server and Tab sub-server?
With sub-servers, you can use a subdomain of the parent, or a totally unrelated domain
who is a unrelated domain and how is created?
If you are running more than one CMS site, you can simplify management and upgrading of your sites by using the multi-site feature. Multi-site allows you to share a single CMS installation (including core code, contributed modules, and themes) among several sites.
This is particularly useful for managing the code since each upgrade only needs to be done once. Each site will have its own database and its own configuration settings, so each site will have its own content, settings, enabled modules, and enabled theme. However, the sites are sharing a code base and web document root, so there may be security concerns (see section below for more information).
Overview of the Process
To create a new site using a shared CMS code base you must complete the following steps:
Create a new database for the site.
Create a new subdirectory of the 'sites' directory with the name of your new site (see below for information on how to name the subdirectory).
Copy the file sites/default/default.settings.php into the subdirectory you created in the previous step. Rename the new file to settings.php.
Adjust the permissions of the new site directory, and grant write permissions on the configuration file
Make symbolic links if you are using a subdirectory such as and not a subdomain such as (see the subdirectory multi-site section below for details).
In a Web browser, navigate to the URL of the new site and continue with the standard CMS installation procedure.
It may also be necessary to modify your Web server's configuration file (often named httpd.conf for Apache) to allow CMS to override Apache's settings. This is true for all installations of CMS and is not specific to the multi-site install. Additional information is available in the Best Practices: Configuring Apache and PHP for CMS in a Shared Environment section of the Install Guide.
Details of the Process
Domains, URLs, and sites subdirectory name
The new subdirectory of the sites directory has a name that is constructed from the site's URL. For example, the configuration for would be in sites/ You do not need to include 'www' as part of the directory name.
CMS will use the same sites/ directory for any subdomain of, including www, unless there is an alternative, matching subdomain sites subdirectory. For instance, URL would be served from sites/, if it exists.
For a subdirectory URL, such as, name the sites subdirectory as follows: sites/ -- and read the section below on getting subdirectory multi-site working.
If you are installing on a non-standard port, the port number is treated as the first part of the subdomain. For example, could be loaded from sites/ If that directory doesn't exist, CMS would then look for sites/, just like a real subdomain.
Site-specific modules and themes
Each site configuration can have its own site-specific modules and themes in addition to those installed in the standard 'modules' and 'themes' directories. To use site-specific modules or themes, simply create a 'modules' or 'themes' directory within the site configuration directory. For example, if has a custom theme and a custom module that should not be accessible to other sites, the setup would look like this:
One area of frequent confusion is that in a CMS multisite installation the webserver document root is the same for all sites. For example with the following three sites:, and there will be a single CMS directory and all sites will be calling the same index.php file.
Some webhosts automatically create a new directory (i.e. when creating a new domain or subdomain. In this case it is necessary to make it into a symbolic link to the main CMS directory, or better yet when creating the domain or subdomain, set it to use the same document root as the site where you have CMS installed.
Subdirectory multi-site
If you are attempting to get CMS multi-site working using subdirectory URLs rather than subdomain or different domain URLs, you may encounter problems. You'll start out by making a directory such as sites/, and putting a settings.php file there. If this works for you, great! But it probably will not, until you make a symbolic link that tells your web server that the document root for is the same as the document root for To do this, go to the document root and type:
ln -s . subdir
(substituting the actual name of the subdirectory you want to make work).
If your codebase itself is in a subdirectory, then link your new site to the directory:
ln -s cmsdir subdir
For example, if your webroot is /var/www and you want and
1. Create CMS install at /var/www/cms/
2. Setup settings.php in /var/www/sites/ and /var/www/sites/
3. Create symbolic links in /var/www
ln -s /var/www/cms /var/www/site1
ln -s /var/www/cms /var/www/site2
Localhost alias for local workstation
On many systems it is possible to create entries in a "hosts" file to create aliases for the localhost name for a local workstation. By creating aliases for localhost it is possible to create names such as and, both for the local computer.
If on the other hand you use subdirectories in your local web root, create a symbolic link like this:
ln -s cmsdir subdir
and name your site folder localhost.subdir.
Domain name changes
Once a site is in production in a particular subdirectory under the sites directory, the subdirectory should not be renamed, even if the Web site URL changes. This is because several database tables (for example: system and files) include references to "sites/" Instead of renaming the sites directory, you can create a symlink to the new URL from the old one. Navigate to the sites directory and then use the following command:
$ ln -s /path/to/cms/sites/
You can create "" as a sub-server of "" if you wish the two to have the same administrative user. The files for "" will then be located in /home/ (if you have configured full domain names for home directories). If you wish separate home directories and users, you can create "" as a top-level server.
With "unrelated" I meant that the domain of a sub-server does not have to be a subdomain of the parent, but can be totally different (=unrelated).
I'm interpreting your question as "can I create multiple virtual servers that have the same administrative user". :) If that's correct, then yes: Just create the additional servers as "sub-servers" of your initial one. Sub-servers share the administrative user and are put in the directory "domains" under the home directory of the parent.
I must test; and this is one solution;
another think (If I understood how work webmin virtualmin) is set some parameters in some settings : is so?
but sub-servers are used for this purpose?
in which case is better to use sub-server; I know that for subdomain is better use the same solutions used for domain and write instead of; while the specific functionality sub-domain with parent and children is useful for cms that use multidomains (really not know how) ; but is so?
know example regards the two defferent use?
To be able to say if that "is so" you'd need to tell me which "some parameters" and "some settings" you mean. :)
Use of the "subdomain" feature is discouraged, since it can lead to confusion. With sub-servers, you can use a subdomain of the parent, or a totally unrelated domain.
Can't speak personally for CMS with multi-domain, have never used those. You'd need to explain what requirements those have exactly.
In general, if you need more hints, you'd need to give us some more and concrete information and examples of what you're trying to accomplish.
To be able to say if that "is so" you'd need to tell me which "some parameters" and "some settings" you mean. :)
considering that there are many parameters for the default server creation I thinked that there was also one for set the owner
Use of the "subdomain" feature is discouraged, since it can lead to confusion.
With sub-servers, you can use a subdomain of the parent, or a totally unrelated domain
if I want create
is preferable for not create a new virtual-server with the name, but by Create Virtual server and Tab sub-server?
With sub-servers, you can use a subdomain of the parent, or a totally unrelated domain
who is a unrelated domain and how is created?
CMS with multi-domain sharing the same code base
If you are running more than one CMS site, you can simplify management and upgrading of your sites by using the multi-site feature. Multi-site allows you to share a single CMS installation (including core code, contributed modules, and themes) among several sites.
This is particularly useful for managing the code since each upgrade only needs to be done once. Each site will have its own database and its own configuration settings, so each site will have its own content, settings, enabled modules, and enabled theme. However, the sites are sharing a code base and web document root, so there may be security concerns (see section below for more information).
Overview of the Process
To create a new site using a shared CMS code base you must complete the following steps:
Create a new database for the site.
Create a new subdirectory of the 'sites' directory with the name of your new site (see below for information on how to name the subdirectory).
Copy the file sites/default/default.settings.php into the subdirectory you created in the previous step. Rename the new file to settings.php.
Adjust the permissions of the new site directory, and grant write permissions on the configuration file
Make symbolic links if you are using a subdirectory such as and not a subdomain such as (see the subdirectory multi-site section below for details).
In a Web browser, navigate to the URL of the new site and continue with the standard CMS installation procedure.
It may also be necessary to modify your Web server's configuration file (often named httpd.conf for Apache) to allow CMS to override Apache's settings. This is true for all installations of CMS and is not specific to the multi-site install. Additional information is available in the Best Practices: Configuring Apache and PHP for CMS in a Shared Environment section of the Install Guide.
Details of the Process
Domains, URLs, and sites subdirectory name
The new subdirectory of the sites directory has a name that is constructed from the site's URL. For example, the configuration for would be in sites/ You do not need to include 'www' as part of the directory name.
CMS will use the same sites/ directory for any subdomain of, including www, unless there is an alternative, matching subdomain sites subdirectory. For instance, URL would be served from sites/, if it exists.
For a subdirectory URL, such as, name the sites subdirectory as follows: sites/ -- and read the section below on getting subdirectory multi-site working.
If you are installing on a non-standard port, the port number is treated as the first part of the subdomain. For example, could be loaded from sites/ If that directory doesn't exist, CMS would then look for sites/, just like a real subdomain.
Site-specific modules and themes
Each site configuration can have its own site-specific modules and themes in addition to those installed in the standard 'modules' and 'themes' directories. To use site-specific modules or themes, simply create a 'modules' or 'themes' directory within the site configuration directory. For example, if has a custom theme and a custom module that should not be accessible to other sites, the setup would look like this:
Document root
One area of frequent confusion is that in a CMS multisite installation the webserver document root is the same for all sites. For example with the following three sites:, and there will be a single CMS directory and all sites will be calling the same index.php file.
Some webhosts automatically create a new directory (i.e. when creating a new domain or subdomain. In this case it is necessary to make it into a symbolic link to the main CMS directory, or better yet when creating the domain or subdomain, set it to use the same document root as the site where you have CMS installed.
Subdirectory multi-site
If you are attempting to get CMS multi-site working using subdirectory URLs rather than subdomain or different domain URLs, you may encounter problems. You'll start out by making a directory such as sites/, and putting a settings.php file there. If this works for you, great! But it probably will not, until you make a symbolic link that tells your web server that the document root for is the same as the document root for To do this, go to the document root and type:
ln -s . subdir
(substituting the actual name of the subdirectory you want to make work).
If your codebase itself is in a subdirectory, then link your new site to the directory:
ln -s cmsdir subdir
For example, if your webroot is /var/www and you want and
1. Create CMS install at /var/www/cms/
2. Setup settings.php in /var/www/sites/ and /var/www/sites/
3. Create symbolic links in /var/www
ln -s /var/www/cms /var/www/site1
ln -s /var/www/cms /var/www/site2
Localhost alias for local workstation
On many systems it is possible to create entries in a "hosts" file to create aliases for the localhost name for a local workstation. By creating aliases for localhost it is possible to create names such as and, both for the local computer.
If on the other hand you use subdirectories in your local web root, create a symbolic link like this:
ln -s cmsdir subdir
and name your site folder localhost.subdir.
Domain name changes
Once a site is in production in a particular subdirectory under the sites directory, the subdirectory should not be renamed, even if the Web site URL changes. This is because several database tables (for example: system and files) include references to "sites/" Instead of renaming the sites directory, you can create a symlink to the new URL from the old one. Navigate to the sites directory and then use the following command:
$ ln -s /path/to/cms/sites/
You can create "" as a sub-server of "" if you wish the two to have the same administrative user. The files for "" will then be located in /home/ (if you have configured full domain names for home directories). If you wish separate home directories and users, you can create "" as a top-level server.
With "unrelated" I meant that the domain of a sub-server does not have to be a subdomain of the parent, but can be totally different (=unrelated).