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#1 Tue, 10/09/2012 - 12:47



I am trying to implement the following setup:

  • an existing Postfix install with Webmin/Virtualmin on a VPS
  • installed RoundCube in one of the vhosts, each vhost webmail being redirected to this one, SSL certificate

This is already up and running ok, all versions up to date

Now I am trying to provide users with a "vacation" capability from within RoundCube. I identi fied at least 2 roundcube plugins capable of this:

I have both installed and I am trying to get them to work ... for both, I already have a proper display with RC, and I seem to be able to store a vacation message ... but nothing is being sent.

It seems that I should have a "vacation" binary somewhere ... as well as .forward files ... etc etc ... but so far, no success.

First plugin author says I should install PostFixAdmin, but it's really unclear to me what is the relation between PostFixAdmin and Webmin ... For example I'd rather not have another soft to administrate PostFix and I am under the impression that PostFixAdmin is exactly that ... forcing me in the future to create users twice, once in Virtualmin, once in PostFixadmin ...

Second plugin (author and forum ... so far no answer) does not seem to be requiring this ... I am using the sshftp driver and it seems like I should also have the dotforward driver ... with a vacation binary that I cannot find in my install.

I was wondering if somebody had already done this ... ? if somebody was using PostFixAdmin with Webmin ... ? any kind of info will be welcomed as I have been swimming in pitch dark for a few h... no days now ...

Thanks in advance. Pierre.

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 17:06

I have the same needs. My desire is to develop a plugin API Virtualmin. But it will not be now.

Existing plugins above does not work with virtualmin

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 02:19



Is this a final and definitive answer ? I'm really surprised nobody ever got this to work as email with a vacation feature is one of the most basic request from all my users ... and they don't want horde or usermin, they want the sexy RoundCube .... It's weird also because I am under the impression that I am not to far from getting it to work, I'm just missing that vacation binary ... and I saw there is a vacation plugin for UserMin pro, and I have been told many times that Webmin/Usermin is merely a web interface to Unix Systems that does not prevent me from doing stuff under the hood :-)

Btw, I was wondering if SquirrelMail has a vacation feature out of the box ?

Thu, 10/11/2012 - 17:14


A final answer to this:

I used /usr/share/usermin/forward/ as the binary ...

So far all my tests are pretty good. It seems that I cannot really set forwarding to another address at the same time (well it forwards ok but I don't get the autoreply simultaneously), nor could I set start/stop dates or autoreply-tracking (to avoid sending multiple vacation messages at the same person) because I'm not sure how to pass those parameters to ... but at least, users can setup a vacation message through RoundCube by themselves.

I won't say how much time this took me :-(, but at least, I learned some about Virtualmin and Postfix.


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