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I have a rented a new server and I want to run XEN+Cloudmin. The OS selection was Centos 5.8 64-Bit (in order to accept Cloudmin and XEN)
I ralised that the automatic installation of Cloudmin installed XEN 3.0.3 and not the latest version of XEN. I assume that this is because Centos Repo has that version as the latest one.
The question is, should I upgrade XEN, and if yes to what version in order to be 100% compatible with Cloudmin? Furthermore, if I select any newer version, which method should I go for? Format the server, install newer XEN and THEN run Cloudmin install or attempt to upgrade XEN as it is now?
Thank you
You're correct, the version of Xen you're using is based on the packages included with your distro (CentOs 5 in this case).
If you're interested in newer packages, my suggestion would be to use a distro that includes a newer Xen version (or perhaps KVM).
We don't typically recommend upgrading using non-standard packages, as that can introduce stability issues.
per haps relevant: redhat and thus centos have choosen for KVM over Xen some time ago
Well I tried Ubuntu 12.04 which is another alternative from my Data Center however I cannot install Cloudmin which makes the distro unusable!