Server / Network Status

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#1 Sat, 06/02/2012 - 17:38

Server / Network Status

Hey everyone,

I actually have an Ubuntu 10.04 (Yes it's updated) with webmin/virtualmin installed and I love it.... However I am having and issue of try to post the Services/Server/Network status on my page for my customers, isn't there a way we can publish the awstats or the webalizer stuff for them to see uptime, and such.

Thank you in advance for your help, Michael Cooper Linux Web Administrator

Mon, 06/04/2012 - 10:19


Awstats and Webalizer are third party tools that just show info about website traffic, they don't show any uptime info.

Some folks publish a status page at "" (where is the primary domain name of the server), putting up to date info regarding the host and network status at that page there.

Other folks place that information on twitter, since if there's a host or network problem, the server may be inaccessible.


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