Default email addresses and aliases abuse@ postmaster@

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#1 Tue, 04/10/2012 - 05:44

Default email addresses and aliases abuse@ postmaster@

HI, I seem to have played with one too many settings and cant seem to find my way back..

When a new virtual server is setup, the abuse@ postmaster@ and other similar addresses are not being setup. The option in Server Templates was set to no. I set it back to default and unfortunately new servers are being created with none of the above.

Where exactly are the "default" email addresses and aliases setup from? Would i need to set it up by selecting the option "listed below"?

Can i create them so that all virtual servers abuse@ postmaster@ get sent to a single email address?

Thanks again!

Tue, 04/10/2012 - 08:17


The mail aliases are setup in System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default -> Mail for Domain -- and the aliases to be setup are defined under "Mail aliases for new domains".

Under that, you'd set "abuse" in the mailbox field, and "${EMAILTO}" in the destination field... and then do the same for any other mailboxes you'd like.


Tue, 04/10/2012 - 11:03

Thanks for the quick response! But out of curiosity. When i set it to default, where does virtualmin get teh default values from?

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