Is it safe to re-compile PHP from zero on a Virtualmin server?

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#1 Thu, 04/05/2012 - 23:28

Is it safe to re-compile PHP from zero on a Virtualmin server?

I am experiencing lot's of issues on my Ubuntu 10.04 server related to Suhosin, which comes as a patch by default, so since there is no way to remove it by means of aptitude, I have to re-compile PHP in order to get rid of Suhosin. But I am afraid will it effect Virtualmin's settings. Is it ok to proceed to re-compiling or not?

Fri, 04/06/2012 - 08:29


I generally wouldn't recommend that, for a few reasons...

However, you should be able to disable it.

To do disable Suhosin, you can add this to your $HOME/etc/php.ini file:

suhosin.simulation = On

That tells Suhosin to not actually prevent any actions, which should prevent it from causing trouble with your web sites.


Fri, 04/06/2012 - 08:48

Unfortunately, I've already tried that and other methods mentioned on with no joy - it is conflicting with APC that I am trying to setup. I also tried to setup Memcache, so probably that is another possible subject of conflict, but I've read elswhere that Suhosin and APC don't play nice with each other.

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