Convert username format from 'username.domain' to 'username@domain.tld'

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#1 Wed, 04/04/2012 - 23:33

Convert username format from 'username.domain' to 'username@domain.tld'

I have successfully imported a cPanel website with hundreds of e-mail accounts to Virtualmin. The problem is the uernames were converted into 'username.domain' format during the import. I know that it is completely ok and am aware of @-sign issue in usernames. However in my case the website owner finds new format quite odd to himself and badly wants to return to 'username@domain.tld' format that he and users of his website got used to use for many years.

Now I have configured templates so that any new accounts are created as 'username@domain.tld' , but the problem is with imported e-mails. There are many of them and they all contain important to the website owner data, so can't be deleted and re-created. I have to find a way to rename existing accounts. I wonder is there any safe way to convert username format, has anyone done this before?

Thu, 04/05/2012 - 08:22


There's unfortunately no quick and easy way to rename the accounts from within Virtualmin.

Something that should work, though, is to generate a backup of one or more Virtual Servers, delete the Virtual Server, and then re-import it.

When you re-import it, it should then create the accounts with the correct username format.

I know that's less than ideal, but that's better than just deleting and re-creating the accounts, as it preserves your data :-)


Thu, 04/05/2012 - 15:30 (Reply to #2)

Thanks for the idea, I'll try that later today.

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