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how to set max band to use and there is a table for see that used ?
is possible for every domain to set max band to use?
and is possible to see in rows(table) for every domains band used and also quota disk used in the same row?
Every account (ie, a top-level Virtual Server) has can have a maximum bandwidth setting for all the domains (Virtual Servers and Sub-Servers) within that account.
You can set that by going into Edit Virtual Server -> Quotas and limits.
To see the current bandwidth usage for all Virtual Servers, you can go into System Settings -> Bandwidth Monitoring -> Show Usage Graph.
Bandwidth monitoring should be enabled by default -- but if it was disabled at some point, then yes, you'd have to re-enable it in order for that graph to display bandwidth statistics.
By default, bandwidth monitoring runs once an hour. So, a little more than an hour after enabling it, you should see statistics in that graph.
Every account (ie, a top-level Virtual Server) has can have a maximum bandwidth setting for all the domains (Virtual Servers and Sub-Servers) within that account.
You can set that by going into Edit Virtual Server -> Quotas and limits.
To see the current bandwidth usage for all Virtual Servers, you can go into System Settings -> Bandwidth Monitoring -> Show Usage Graph.
To see the current bandwidth usage for all Virtual Servers, you can go into System Settings -> Bandwidth Monitoring -> Show Usage Graph.
first is necessary to set the "Bandwidth monitoring active" at yes and how long after the "show usage graph" work?
if click immediately I have "No bandwidth usage statistics have been collected yet."
Bandwidth monitoring should be enabled by default -- but if it was disabled at some point, then yes, you'd have to re-enable it in order for that graph to display bandwidth statistics.
By default, bandwidth monitoring runs once an hour. So, a little more than an hour after enabling it, you should see statistics in that graph.