My server just crashed. Yesterday I uploaded about 12GB to the server. The backup script backupped it ... every hour. After a day and a half the storage was saturated. The MYSQL of the site gave errors and it all halted.
I was lucky to still be able to remove the backups and keep 1, in order I needed it ... I decided I should not store backups locally. At least not ONLY locally.
I installed a Filezilla FTP server at home, Set up a group with a homedir, and access to it I added a user with access to it's homedir.
I went to the router of my ISP, added the DMZ record and an additional port forwarding to the 2nd router On the 2nd router I added port forwarding. (port 21212)
So I went to the backup settings and added the FTP server. After I set everything up and asked to test (backup now) it still makes the local backup, as required, but it fails in sending the backup to the ftp server. I get this error: .. upload failed! Failed to connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx : No route to host
I'm sure I overlooked something or am plain stupid. Can anybody please guide me into the right way?
Thanks a lot
This might help: the logs of the ftp server:
This happened at the initial of the backup where it's testing the connection.
I'm finding that I forwarded the port 21212 but the PASV mode needs more ports so now I opened ports 21210 - 21219 hope this will work
it works now. When working with filezilla keep this in mind: activate passive mode and set a port range and also set your IP.
Today I learnt something new.
Great, I'm glad you got it working, thanks for letting us know how you resolved it!