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#1 Tue, 12/27/2011 - 07:52

Update Php

Hello everyone, I would have this problem, I installed virtualmin on a virtual server with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS - Hardy - 64-bit version of PHP is 5.2.4 Version, I need to do the update to the latest version exactly to 5.3.x. What procedure should I use to do this? thanks for all Roby

Tue, 12/27/2011 - 10:17


The version of PHP you get is based on your Linux distribution.

Ubuntu 8.04 comes with PHP 5.2.4.

Ubuntu 10.04 comes with PHP 5.3.2.

If you're interested in using PHP 5.3.x, my recommendation would be to upgrade your system to Ubuntu 10.04, which comes with a newer PHP version.


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