I need help with VirtualMin Setup

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#1 Sun, 12/04/2011 - 00:12

I need help with VirtualMin Setup

Hello all,

I got a VPS with CentOS 64 Bit on it. I didn't opt for CPanel and got Virtual/Webmin on the OS I was a CPanel guy and things were very easy for me all the time.

I want to host three WordPress websites on the VPS and i tried configuring on VirtualMin and WebMin from two days.

I just can't get it done in anyway. When i try to enter the url's i get 403 forbidden error from Apache.

Can someone please help me out with this ?

Thanks in advance

Sun, 12/04/2011 - 01:33

I have exactly the same problem. I need to host 3 or 4 websites on a single VPS. I have installed Virtualmin but dont know what changes I need to make at Domain's control Panel or at Virtualmin.

Any help will be appreciated.


Sun, 12/04/2011 - 13:40


It should be no problem to host websites on Virtualmin out of the box, with minimal configuration.

When you're getting those forbidden messages -- had you uploaded a website into the public_html folder yet?

If so, what errors are showing up in the Apache error logs, in $HOME/logs/error_log?


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