Hi guys, I need some help fast. On 28 dyndns will charge me for their services (I've migrated from everydns and they gave me 3 month free) - the thing is that I don't want to pay. You see, I've managed to make bind run and everything seems to work fine. But, I have no idea about how to configure it,optimize it, make is safer, faster etc. And the problem is that until 28 I really don't have the time to search the net. I found and read probably tens and hundreds of tutorials for apache or mysql, and I configured my server based on those (after another tens and hundreds of tries lol). I just write this to emphasize that I'm not lazy and I do use to google first :) However, like I've said, I don't have time. I've set only one domain to use my bind server, I have other more important domains still using dyndns. What I want from you guys is to write me 2-3 basic things I must configure to bind so it will rum safer and faster. My fear is that my server will crash or something like this after I'll move all the domains from dyndns. Also, other thing: I see bind is at 9.7 version - mine is 9.3.6. Can I update it or it is not compatible with webmin (I have the latest webmin+virtualmin)? Webmin didn't announce me there's an update for bind so far. Thanks!
Well, vendors don't ship applications that are insecure and configured to be slow :-)
They offer defaults that work well on most systems.
If you're concerned about speed and security -- you should be just fine with a default BIND setup.
If you're curious how to setup your server to act as your domain's nameserver, you can read the instructions here in the section titled "How do I setup nameservers for my server":
Also, other thing: I see bind is at 9.7 version - mine is 9.3.6. Can I update it or it is not compatible with webmin
The version of BIND that you're using is the one that comes with your Linux distribution. I'd recommend sticking with it... any bugfixes or security issues that come out will be backported into the version of BIND you have there.
My fear is that my server will crash or something like this after I'll move all the domains from dyndns
I think you'll be okay, BIND isn't particularly "heavy" in terms of resource usage.
Ok, Andrey, I already started to learn about Bind. I was more concerned about the security, because for Apache or Mysql I've found thousands of tutorials and to do's on the net, but nothing about Bind. I've moved another 2 domains and everything looks good so far. Thanks for all the clarifications!