Port 25 blocked??

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#1 Tue, 10/11/2011 - 03:13

Port 25 blocked??

I have a server running virtualmin and mailboxes accessed via IMAP. Up to yesterday I was using it from a different ISP however now my new ISP is blocking port 25. Which port shall I use in order to send emails out via IMAP through the server?

I read on some posts for port 587 however this port is closed on the server (closed but not firewalled).

What is the solution here?

Thank you

Wed, 10/12/2011 - 10:36
ronald's picture

since you send emails from home, use your ISP. So in Thunderbird/Outlook assign your default smtp to all your IMAP accounts on your server. Who is to say that your ISP doesnt block 587 too? Afaik using port 587 wont help much if the receiving party only uses port 25

Other viable option is too use google's gmail. You can assign your domain to a gmail account so your identification is still your domain

Other option is to use webmail.. since you use IMAP anyways I think that is the best option here.

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