First of all, I've never used Bind and just want to make sure of what it does: I can use it if I want to get rid of service, for example, right? To point the nameserver to the same machine (IP) where the site is?!
Well, if Yes, it means I'm on the right way. The problem is I'm confused - the Bind DNS panel looks complicated and, since finally I've set up the server to run smoothly and fast, I don't dare to mess with Bind DNS. I'd like to know if someone can provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this, or a link to such a tutorial, for noobs. Only the basic steps, what exactly needs to be done to get it right; if I do this, I can adventure further and change, if needed, the more advanced settings. My server, if it matter, runs on Centos 5, I have the latest Webmin/Virtualmin updates, Bind is 9.3.6 - currently stopped. I'm using the service and I'd like very much to stop paying them :) that's why, if I can, I'll use Bind to do the trick. So, my registrar point to dyndns servers right now. Btw, if you don't know an address to Bind setup tutorial for Centos but you'd like to help me and write it yourself here, please make sure is explicit and easy to follow, for idiots (ie me) - all those master zones, slave zones, forward zones, clients, clusters say nothing to me :( ... or nothing I can understand. Thanks for reading and hope you can help, too. Cheers!
you can read about BIND here to understand what it does.
However basically virtualmin will do it for you once the IP is provided. There are many topics about it in this forum though.
Hmmm... made me more confused - do you know about a smaller tutorial? Just the basic step-by-step guide? Thanks!
Add IP's in webmin - Networking - Network Configuration
Network Interfaces
eth0 Ethernet
eth0:1 Ethernet (Virtual)
Host Addresses , ns1
Under Virtualmin - System Settings - Server Templates - choose your template like default
Drop down menu, choose BIND DNS Domain
Enable - Add nameserver record for this system
Master DNS server hostname
Enable Hostname and fill in your preferred hostname for bind. I choose
I have 2 other nameservers on other servers though. You would probably want 2 nameservers on the same box.
OK, thanks for the help. Before I'll start, I just want to make sure of something: - the netmask (pic 1.png) is, not, like in your tutorial - does it matter? - About the Bind DNS template, can I have 2 nameservers for all the domains, right? If so, where to I add them, the "Master DNS server hostname" form field only allows one entry? - Also, do I need to create the subdomains ( in virtualmin, too?
Thanks again!
This article is no longer available:
you can read about BIND here to understand what it does.
Fixed. is now (somebody sniped our domain a few years ago, when I was off-the-grid for a while and didn't see the email come in about it expiring).
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