I had installed a CentOS 6 with Qmail+Vpopmail. I had copied virtualmin module config from another box running on CentOS 5.6 with Qmail+Vpopmail.
I went ahead to create a test domain.com. Apache, Bind, MySQL and PostgreSQL were setup correctly. But not mail. The home folder of the domain is not created. But rcpthosts and virtualdomains are appended with domain.com. During the creation, virtualmin did not complain of any error.
Please help.
Creating administration group domain.com .. .. done
Creating administration user domain.com .. .. done
Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done
Adding administration user to groups .. .. done
Creating home directory .. .. done
Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done
Adding new DNS zone .. .. done
Adding to email domains list .. .. done
Adding default mail aliases .. .. done
Adding new virtual website .. .. done
Adding Apache user apache to server's group .. .. done
Performing other Apache configuration .. .. done
Setting up scheduled Webalizer reporting .. .. done
Setting up log file rotation .. .. done
Creating MySQL login .. .. done
Creating MySQL database domain_com .. .. done
Creating PostgreSQL login .. .. done
Creating PostgreSQL database domain_com .. .. done
Creating Webmin user .. .. done
Re-starting DNS server .. .. done
Applying web server configuration .. .. done
Re-loading Webmin .. .. done
Saving server details .. .. done
Sending email notification to domain owner ..
Well, Virtualmin isn't formally supported on CentOS 6 yet... they're still working those details out. It's possible that you're running into an incompatibility that will be resolved whenever the CentOS 6 support is completed.
That should be out here shortly -- my suggestion would be to wait until CentOS 6 support is released, along with any accompanying updates. If that issue isn't resolved then, go ahead and update this and we'll figure out where to go from there :-)
Many thanks. Will be watching out for version 3.8.8