So I've been fighing for a while to get RoR installed using the script installer and I have had nothing but problems so far. First I didn't have fcgi-devel, so I had to seach for that, then I couldn't install the 3.0.x version or RoR becouse of a failed sqlite3 dependency. The version required wasn't available in any repo I have setup so I have to install the 2.3.8 version. When running the installed, I get the messages below.
Installing Ruby Gem test-spec .. .. done
Installing Ruby Gem camping .. .. done
Installing Ruby Gem fcgi .. .. done
Installing Ruby Gem memcache-client .. .. done
Installing Ruby Gem ruby-openid .. .. done
Installing Ruby Gem rack .. .. done
Now installing Ruby on Rails version 2.3.8 ..
Mongrel server did not start :
sh: start: command not found
.. failed! See the error message above for the reason why.
Has anyone else had these problems before. I was following the wiki found on Virtualmin's website until I ran into the fcgi-devel issue.
There's a bug filed for this here now: