I have the latest Virtualmin running on Centos 5.5 32bit.
I was able to add 6 virtual servers but now when I try to add one I get the following:
Setting Up Virtual Server
In domain domain.com
Creating administration group domain ..
.. done
Creating administration user domain .. .. done
Creating aliases for administration user .. .. done
Adding administration user to groups .. .. done
Creating home directory .. .. done
Creating mailbox for administration user .. .. done
Adding new DNS zone .. .. done
Adding to email domains list .. .. done
Adding default mail aliases .. .. done
Adding new virtual website .. .. done
Adding Apache user apache to server's group .. .. done
Performing other Apache configuration .. .. configuration failed : Failed to copy /etc/php.ini to /home/domain/etc/php5/php.ini : cp: cannot create regular file `/home/domain/etc/php5/php.ini': No such file or directory
Creating SSL certificate and private key .. .. done
Adding new SSL virtual website .. .. certificate file is not valid : Data does not start with line -----BEGIN\ CERTIFICATE-----
Setting up log file rotation .. .. done
Creating MySQL login .. .. done
Creating MySQL database domain .. .. done
Setting up AWstats reporting .. .. AWstats reporting failed! : virtualmin-awstats::feature_setup failed : Failed to open /home/domain/cgi-bin/awstats.pl.webmintmp.5943 : No such file or directory at /usr/libexec/webmin/web-lib-funcs.pl line 1360, line 1.
Re-starting DNS server .. .. done
Applying web server configuration .. .. done
Saving server details .. .. done
After this is finished I get an empty /home/domain dir.
I did not do anything config related to the server or webmin.
What's wrong? Please help
Hey, me too. This morning I've created a few servers without problem, but now I can't. I was thinking maybe I've deactivated some apache modules needed for this job, but I'm not sure which of them. I'll try to enable them all and try again.
Hey, me too. This morning I've created a few servers without problem, but now I can't. I was thinking maybe I've deactivated some apache modules needed for this job, but I'm not sure which of them. I'll try to enable them all and try again.
...nope, that didn't work.
One thing that can cause that is if the Virtual Server used all of it's quota.
Can you verify that the Virtual Servers you're trying to setup have some space available?
Also, you may want to make sure your disk hasn't run out of space.
LOL, that was so easy I feel ashame of myself :) Andrey, thanks a lot!
izghitu, check the quota under Virtualmin>System Settings>Account Plans>Default Plan. There's Quota for entire server set to 1GB and Quota for server administrator user set to 1GB. I've set those two to unlimited and now everything is fine.
thanks a lot
that fixed it
In my case, for unknown reason the owner and group settings of the directory /home/$user/domains/ was some numerical value. I changed the owner of the directory to the $user, and that fixed my problem.