Postfix - Relay each outbound email via different SMTP server

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#1 Thu, 04/07/2011 - 02:46

Postfix - Relay each outbound email via different SMTP server

Hi Guys

Is it possible to configure Postfix to relay eamail for each virtual host via a different server? We have several domains which need their email sent via a 3rd party (Messagelabs), but we have others that need to be sent direct.

If this is possible, could anybody offer advise on how its done?

Thanks Kelv1n

Thu, 04/07/2011 - 08:13


So you'd like outbound email to go through a specific server?

You can configure that by going into Webmin -> Servers -> Postfix -> General Options, and setting your relay host in the field "Send outgoing mail via host".


Tue, 03/13/2012 - 02:05

Sorry to nudge an old thread but I have come to this thinking I am wondering about the same issue.


I have tested the "Send outgoing mail via host" option in the Postfix Config and it works. But, it is global and works for each Vritual Server I have on this box (Ubuntu 10.04). Is there a way to allow some of the virtual servers to send via the external SMTP host (gmail in my case) while lettings others go through the default "direct" option?

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 18:37

I am also looking for a way to configure some of the virtual servers to send outgoing mail via an external SMTP host (like sendgrid) while lettings others go through the default "direct" option. I tried to search but could not find a solution.

Sun, 02/03/2013 - 09:05

For Postfix 2.7 and later, sender_dependent_default_transport_maps

for Postfix 2.3 and later, I think you have to use sender_dependent_relayhost_maps and list your domains in $relay_domains

These would be edit's to the postfix file

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